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 Another New Game!!

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PostSubject: Another New Game!!   Another New Game!! 00000010Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:13 am

Another New Game!!

Hello Penguins!

As we promised, another new game is on its way to Club Penguin! The Club Penguin team has been working really hard on this one! I can't say very much, but the image above is a bit of a sneak peek of what you'll find when the game is released. And, I can tell you this:

It is different than any other game we've ever launched

It is not an action game, like Aqua Grabber
It is not multiplayer (although we're working hard on more of those as well)
It will be launched in the Book Room
It is really funny and something I hope you'll all have fun with!

If all goes well, we're planning to launch it this coming Monday!

Until then... Waddle On!

- Club Penguin Team
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